Get the information for a web hook event including the type of event, the time it was triggered and the response from the endpoint. The event will contain a response code and a response message once the event has finished being executed.

The event type will be determined by what triggered the event. The session.test event will occur when testing the web hook via the API or the project options page. When a new session is created it will trigger a session.create event. When a session is deleted it will trigger a session.delete event. When a session is updated or restored (from deleted) then it will trigger a session.update event.

The session_id field will be null for the session.test event but will contain a session guid for all other event types.


A 'session.create' event which is pending (incomplete).
  "status" : "success",
  "result" : {
    "id": 1239583414,
    "client_id": 19817472,
    "project_id": 1249918,
    "session_id": "7e9c00a0-f3d0-4a5c-a4c8-9d8258c31e34",
    "event_type": "session.create",
    "event_timestamp": 1513045894.577,
    "response_code": null,
    "response_message": null,
    "endpoint": ""
A 'session.test' event which is completed successfully.
  "status" : "success",
  "result" : {
    "id": 1239583414,
    "client_id": 19817472,
    "project_id": 1249918,
    "session_id": null,
    "event_type": "session.test",
    "event_timestamp": 1513045894.577,
    "response_code": 200,
    "response_message": "OK",
    "endpoint": ""
A 'session.update' event which completed with a failure response from the executed endpoint.
  "status" : "success",
  "result" : {
    "id": 1239583414,
    "client_id": 19817472,
    "project_id": 1249918,
    "session_id": "7e9c00a0-f3d0-4a5c-a4c8-9d8258c31e34",
    "event_type": "session.update",
    "event_timestamp": 1513045894.577,
    "response_code": 404,
    "response_message": "Not Found",
    "endpoint": ""


Param name Description

The ID of the project.


  • Must be a Integer


The ID of the web hook event. This will be returned when triggering a test session event for a project.


  • Must be a Integer