Tests the project’s web hook configuration by sending a POST request to the endpoint with a test payload. The test payload will be sent with the session.test event type and a null session_id.

The request will return a Web Hook Event that is created to process the request.


Example of the POST parameters that are sent to the endpoint.
    "client_id": 19817472,
    "project_id": 1249918,
    "session_id": null,
    "event_type": "session.test",
    "event_timestamp": 1512624088.977,
    "custom parameter key 1": "custom parameter value 1",
    "custom parameter key 2": "custom parameter value 2",
    "custom parameter key 3": "custom parameter value 3",
    "ssl_version": 1.2
Example response from triggering the test event. Polling can be used to re-request this event until the processing is complete which can be determined by waiting for the response_code and response_message to be populated.
    "status": "success",
    "message": "success",
    "result": {
        "id": EVENT_ID,
        "client_id": 19817472,
        "project_id": 1249918,
        "session_id": null,
        "event_type": "session.test",
        "event_timestamp": 1512624088.977,
        "response_code": null,
        "response_message": null


Param name Description

The ID of the project.


  • Must be a Integer